Take Your Passion Cruising

Elena makes beautiful jewelry from the bone and shell she finds on the beach

I met Elena several years ago in the southern Caribbean and loved her jewelry. She sent in this contribution to the Women and Cruising site to show how cruising has given her the inspiration, free time — and the raw materials to explore her passions. — Kathy Parsons

Elena_Puntin_catMy name is Elena, I’m Italian and I’ve been living on my little 33 foot sailing ship (Mabel) with my companion for about 13 years full time. I know all the difficulties and the problems that are implied in this choice.

A few years ago I started using my skills not only for varnishing interiors and rebuilding cabinets but also to do something more satisfying.

Using the tools I had onboard I started creating carved jewelry pieces with the raw materials I found around me, mostly on the beaches, like coconut, calabash, shells and later bone. The latter soon became my preferred material to work with.

Sailing-ship-2-sailsPeople who saw my “little sculptures” liked them so much they started asking me to make some for them.

My hobby has turned into more of a job.  It is also a good way to help increase the boat budget.

It has been my experience that some people become bored with the sailing lifestyle at times and wish to learn new things.  I have seen informal seminars and gatherings where others have taught painting and jewelry making.  The cruisers have enjoyed getting together and experiencing something different.

Elena-PuntinI am available to share my experience and knowledge with other women who are interested by giving seminars.

I think that this activity of mine, which uses free time in a creative way, is something that can be of interest to your readers.

In the meantime, if you are curious about my little carved creations, please have a look at my blogger: www.elenasjewelry.blogspot.com.

See how Elena makes a piece of jewelry from the raw material to final polishing: The Making of a Piece

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What’s YOUR passion? Have you taken it cruising?
Let us know. Email kathy@forcruisers.com or leave a comment below.

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