Tag: Skills

Events and Seminars

Hands on and personal – Cruising Women 2-day program in Annapolis, April 23-24


We are now only one month away from the 2 day Cruising Women program that we will be giving in Annapolis, Maryland on April 24-25, 2014. The program last year was AMAZING! We had so much fun. Please come join us! Here are the …Read more

Events and Seminars

Improve your skills with 4 long-distance sailing women - Marblehead, MA - Saturday, June 1


The Women’s Sailing Conference, held each June in Marblehead, is great fun. I’ve been involved one way or another many times. It amazes me how many women come back year after year. It also astounds me how quickly and enthusiastically women learn from each other.

This year the conference is about women extending their range. That …Read more

How We Learn

How do women educate themselves about sailing?


The captain put me in charge of getting us from point A to point B. I was responsible for upping anchor, route planning, navigating and dropping the hook at our destination.

My cruising life started and nearly ended in 2007. It just wasn’t what I thought or hoped it would be.

It was clear: never darken the …Read more

Women and Cruising Seminar

Two day hands-on program on Cruising just for Women – Annapolis, MD - April 25-26, 2013


I’d like to let you know about the Cruising Women program that Pam Wall, Beth Leonard and I will be giving at Cruisers University on April 25-26 in Annapolis, Maryland.

Last April, as Pam Wall and I finished our second year as faculty at Cruisers University, (a fun weekend in Annapolis of in-depth courses …Read more

How We Learn

Marine mechanics: Women’s work


Testing our fuel tank sender float

It’s a shame that more girls aren’t trained as marine mechanics because, frankly, with the tiny spaces one has to maneuver in to work on  a boat, most men, with their big, cumbersome frames, just aren’t built for it.

The job we tackled on Monday, after putting off boat work to …Read more

Events and Seminars

Daria Blackwell invites you to the next Happy Hooking event, June 7.

Happy Hooking

Our next Seven Seas U Happy Hooking webinar is scheduled for June 7. We’ve had great response from previous attendees. It’s based on our book, “Happy Hooking. The Art of Anchoring.” We cover the newest anchors and how they rate against the old standbys as well as the newest techniques that help you …Read more

How We Learn

Your disability is your opportunity

Teresa Carey

I spent last winter in Miami, Florida working and saving for my next big sail.

My goal was to sail to the Bahamas, spend some time exploring the sandy beaches and shallow banks, and then head north, offshore, bound for Martha’s Vineyard. I had summer plans for sailing on schooners in Maine and the Vineyard.

But having …Read more

Events and Seminars, W&C NEWS

Night Sailing - webinar with 2-time circumnavigator Nancy Erley, March 10, 2011

Concerned about sailing overnight? Learn how to navigate safely after dark and to stand night watch at sea.

Seven Seas University presents ….

Night Sailing webinar

Date: Thursday March 10 at 8pm EST (7pm CST)
Instructor: Nancy Erley
Duration: 1.5 hours

This fairly technical webinar covers night vision, navigation aids and lights on shore, identifying ships, collision avoidance at night, night time deck …Read more

Events and Seminars

Happy Hooking – the Art of Anchoring: webinar February 12, 2011


Please join us for a lively interactive learning session about everyone’s favorite topic: anchoring. Don’t be intimidated by anchoring bullies. Here are the details:

Education for those long winter months – Seven Seas University Presents:

Happy Hooking – the Art of Anchoring

with Captains Daria & Alex Blackwell
Saturday February 12 at 1000 CST (1100 EST, 1600 …Read more

Relationships & Roles Aboard

Boat jobs: Pink or Blue? ...Violet, Meri says

Violet jobs

In April, Betsy Morris wrote about the division of boat jobs aboard Salsa (Boat jobs: Pink or Blue? Betsy Morris’ Confession). She wondered how other cruising couples divided up the jobs and whether they were happy with the result. Marcie Lynn commented here. Following is Meri Faulkner’s response.

I have …Read more

How We Learn

Kim Hess moves aboard her first boat

kim hess

“Tonto he was smart, one day said Kemosabe, Kiss my ass I bought a boat, I’m going out to sea.” Lyle Lovett’s, If I had a Boat

I could not wait to make this the ring tone on my phone, and I did November 20, 2009 as the selling broker and I were bringing ‘my’ …Read more

Relationships & Roles Aboard

Boat jobs: Pink or Blue? Marcie Lynn comments

Marcie & Dave

In April, Betsy Morris wrote about the division of boat jobs aboard Salsa (Boat jobs: Pink or Blue? Betsy Morris’ Confession). She wondered how other cruising couples divided up the jobs and whether they were happy with the result. Following is Marcie Lynn’s response.

I enjoyed reading Betsy’s article, but I guess I …Read more