Tag: Powerboating

Cruising Life, What I Like About Cruising

Bev Feiges: The best about living aboard Cloverleaf


Bev Feiges, aboard Cloverleaf, a 61-foot custom Krogen motoryacht, shares a list of some things she wouldn’t want to live without, and some pictures of great things about living aboard.

Lets start with the great things about living aboard.
Mostly it’s about the people you meet.

Everyone will tell you that.

Evening dinner in the cockpit. Mixed …Read more

Cruising Life

Caught like a fish – hook, line and sinker: Lisa reflects on 5 years cruising aboard a trawler

Lisa and Jim Favors

For the last five-plus years, I’ve been living almost exclusively on a boat.

My husband, Jim, and I sold our home and somewhat naively hit the water running. Not exactly sure what we were running from and most definitely in the dark about how this change would alter our life’s predetermined path.

We retired rather early from …Read more


Bev Feiges makes her case for an electric galley aboard

Bev Feiges wrote the following for us after reading Galley Advice from 18 Cruising Women on the Women and Cruising website. In that article, we asked 18 cruising women to describe their galley for us, and tell us what they considered essential aboard. Although several of the 18 women participating in our article …Read more