Tag: Weather

Lessons Learned

Lesson learned from Hurricane Irene: Do your own thing.

Heading Home: The start of our return to port, before we knew we’d be seeking shelter from the storm! [Photograph by Ann Marie Maguire]

We sailed into our home port of Belfast, Maine, after two weeks of cruising just days before Hurricane Irene made land fall in North Carolina. We spent the winter refitting and living aboard our Bristol 24, Read more

CHECK LISTS, Sharing Our Stories, TIPS & IDEAS

Oh, no, not another hurricane!

S/V CARIBEE during hurricane Rene

Hurricane Irene – August 23, 2011 – 21:45 UTC – Photo Goes East

As readers prepare for hurricane Irene, we are re-printing a story that Pam Wall wrote about going through Hurricane Dennis in the Abacos.

In it she shares a list of things to have aboard to help you prepare as well as a …Read more

How We Learn

A medical crisis leads Marti to buy a sailboat and learn to cruise


In the early 1990′s, I was a single, healthy and athletic woman, making a living in the health care industry. I had planned to retire when I hit 55, buy a cruising boat and sail away to somewhere for fun during the “golden years”.

My plans were changed when I got very ill with …Read more

Events and Seminars

Beth A. Leonard’s 2009 Presentations

Good news! Beth Leonard – circumnavigator, author, and Women and Cruising contributor -  will be in the US this fall sharing her recent travels and cruising experience in a series of seminars. Here’s her schedule. – Kathy Parsons

September 25-27, 2009

Seven Seas Cruising Association Annapolis Gam Camp Letts, Edgewater, MD Read more