
Suzanne Giesemann has a new book!

Suzanne Giesemann

Suzanne Giesemann sent in the following news a little over a week ago.

I knew she had a new book coming out (this one has nothing to do with sailing, yet it sounds very interesting) and I was hoping she might mention something about it.

Suzanne writes:

I was at anchor this evening in Mobjack Bay enjoying my new iPhone.  Our laptop wasn’t picking up a signal to give us Internet access, but emails were getting through on the cool little gadget.  How cruising is changing with all the new technology!  An email from a friend put the icing on the cake to a perfect day underway:  She had just received her copy of my new book, The Priest and the Medium.  I don’t even have my own copy yet … I’ve only seen the galley proofs on 8 ½ x 11 paper!  There’s no telling when my copies from Hay House will catch up with me as we head north to Canada, but it’s exciting nonetheless.

Next challenge:  getting access to a good phone line to co-host a live seminar on Hay House Radio on June 9th (see www.HayHouseRadio.com).  I know it will all work out.  I’m a firm believer that just because we’re cruising, we don’t have to give up our passion, and what better place to be inspired to write than on the water.


Suzanne’s sailing website is www.LibertySails.com

Suzanne’s writing website is www.SuzanneGiesemann.com.

Read what Suzanne likes about cruising (from the Women and Cruising website).

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