Tag: Home schooling

Cruising Life, STORIES, TIPS & IDEAS

A cruising wife’s A to Z - Part 2 (M to Z)


This is the second half of a 2-part article first published in the South African Sailing magazine of April and May 2014. You can read part 1 here.


I am never bored and always busy. Being able to multitask was for me a must and required good organisational skills.

I was sometimes …Read more

Cruising with Kids

Video: Kids speak their own minds about cruising


During our stay in Tauranga, New Zealand, the kids from two boats (Namani and Alouette) really hit it off. One activity they particularly enjoyed was learning to program computer graphics using a program called KTurtle.

Seeing their enthusiasm for this, we parents agreed to assign the kids a group project as part of their …Read more

Cruising with Kids, TIPS & IDEAS

6 Tips for Home-schooling Sailors


Taking your children’s education to sea is not always simple, but neither is it a deeply complicated mystery.

Once you capture a child’s interest,
learning can be inspiring and fun.

With careful decision-making and sensible preparations – just what you need for going cruising in general – you can let your children profit from an incredible learning opportunity.

Just …Read more