Category: Cruising with Kids

BOOKS, Cruising with Kids

Books to take your family cruising


There is no topic that we have covered as often and as thoroughly as going sailing with children aboard.

Why? The answer lies in the children that we have met living aboard boats with their families.

The cruising kids that we have known have been active and knowledgeable, curious about the sea, other people, and the great …Read more

Cruising with Kids, Life after cruising

Sailing Home Again


This article was first published on

Leaving land life behind to go cruising can seem like a big step, but coming home afterwards can be just as challenging.

We’ve completed two extended “seabatticals,” and the emotional process of transitioning back was very different each time. The physical process, on the other hand, …Read more

Cruising with Kids

Girl Overboard


Author Ann Lee Miller shares an excerpt from her memoir, Boat Daze, due out in 2016 about growing up on a yawl.

Girl overboard! – Photo by Kristianne Koch

I stood on the bowsprit as we sailed Biscayne Bay.

The wind swept the swelter of the sun from my skin.

A bucket of Noon rain …Read more

Cruising with Kids, Life after cruising

Back to land: Choking on the anchor


When all your adult life you have dreamed of and planned for a life aboard and cruising, it is a disorientating stumble to face a turn-around back to land.

It is even more distressing to find that it is not an easy adjustment. For many reasons cruisers find themselves landlocked, whether by choice, or by …Read more

Cruising with Kids

Pint-sized Maritime Explorers


Author Ann Lee Miller shares an excerpt from her memoir, Boat Days, due out in 2015 about growing up on a yawl.

 Photo by Kristianne Koch

If chores built character, I’d be a twelve-year-old Mother Theresa. Today, on a perfect summer morning, I stood in Annie Lee’s porthole-less gloom washing last night’s marinara from …Read more

Cruising with Kids

Family health in the Pacific: The kind of story you want to hear


In light of recent press coverage on the rescue of the Kaufmann family in the Pacific, I’d like to offer a very different (if less spectacular) story as a …Read more

Cruising with Kids, W&C NEWS

Cruising families rally in support of sailing with children and of the 'Rebel Heart' family


“Let the naysayers know that there is no greater gift you can give your children than the beauty of the world.” Cruising Mom, Cidnie Carroll

The Kaufman family aboard SV Rebel Heart was rescued at sea this week when their youngest child became sick during passage from Mexico to the Pacific. This news has spawned …Read more

Cruising with Kids

Video: Kids speak their own minds about cruising


During our stay in Tauranga, New Zealand, the kids from two boats (Namani and Alouette) really hit it off. One activity they particularly enjoyed was learning to program computer graphics using a program called KTurtle.

Seeing their enthusiasm for this, we parents agreed to assign the kids a group project as part of their …Read more

Cruising with Kids, Lessons Learned, Relationships & Roles Aboard

Confessions of a Bad Boat Wife



A year ago, I went to a girl’s night out with some women at a local marina. Over dinner and a glass of wine, one of the gals confessed, “I really wanted to be a good boat wife this summer when I wasn’t in school. You know, like pack his lunch and make him coffee. …Read more

Cruising Life, Cruising with Kids

Elli shares her thanks and logbook from her family's year of cruising (Part 2)


Elli wrote us to say thanks for all the support and inspiration she has received from Women and Cruising, and from our 12 Sailing Families.

Back after a year’s cruise, her log book entries vividly bring back the reality of cruising.  Part 1 of this 2-part post was published on Oct …Read more

Cruising Life, Cruising with Kids

Elli shares her thanks and logbook from her family's year of cruising (Part1)


My name is Elli Straus. My husband and I pulled our two daughters out of school three years ago this October and sailed for the better part of a year on our 42ft. Beneteau, Wind of Peace. Our adventure began …Read more

Cruising with Kids, TIPS & IDEAS

6 Tips for Home-schooling Sailors


Taking your children’s education to sea is not always simple, but neither is it a deeply complicated mystery.

Once you capture a child’s interest,
learning can be inspiring and fun.

With careful decision-making and sensible preparations – just what you need for going cruising in general – you can let your children profit from an incredible learning opportunity.

Just …Read more