Tag: Ecology

Sailing Green, Take Your Passion Cruising

Marine Conservation is my passion


Marine Conservation is my passion and I have worked on ocean issues for decades learning a great deal along the way.

Sally-Christine Rodgers with husband Randy Repass & their son, Kent-Harris.

The oceans are in crisis and we who love them need to step up and be vocal in support of sustainable seafood, reducing Co2 emissions, …Read more

Cruising Life, Sailing Green, TIPS & IDEAS

When green meets blue


From watching dolphins leaping at the bow, seeking companionship from a banking shearwater during lonely ocean watchers or flushing hundreds of tiny sparkling plankton down the loo(!), sailors are overwhelmingly in tune with the natural world.
Like our fellow amphibians, we have adapted to life on land and in the water, just with a few more contraptions to keep us afloat! …Read more

Cruising Life, Sailing Green, TIPS & IDEAS

What to do with all that trash?

Burning trash can be a buggy affair.

Imagine this…You are one week out on a three week trip and you realize that funky odor is coming from your trash and there is no place to toss the bag and get it off the boat.

Okay, I might be a bit obsessive about my trash and I admit it, but I come by it …Read more

Take Your Passion Cruising

Katharine Lowrie sets sail to protect wildlife


I’m not sure that my experience of cruising is altogether normal… I dumped my maiden name, Land and its beguiling earthly forms, abandoned my job surveying wildlife and plunged into an alien world of motion and water.

David and I bowled off from the shores of Devon, England, in our ancient sailing boat who, in her heyday, had been much …Read more