I am a single, laid back, 34 yr old female, that is physically fit, a college grad, and currently living in Florida. I’m seeking a life change and am considering a career in the sailing/boating industry.
I have been sailing most of my life…attended sailing camps in the summer as a kid, and then instructed …Read more
Although it is a hefty paperback, The Boat Galley Cookbook by cruisers Carolyn Shearlock and Jan Irons is likely to help raise your waterline, because it consolidates in one volume many culinary resources cruising chefs have previously felt obliged to carry.
Indeed, no cruising cookbook I have ever seen has so deliberately set out to …Read more
After finishing Wendy Hinman’s Tightwads on the Loose, I placed it on my bookshelf next to Jana Cawrse Esarey’s The Motion of the Ocean and Torre DeRoche’s Swept: Love with a Chance of Drowning, because, like those two books, Tightwads on the Loose is a brightly-written sailing memoir by a young female cruiser from …Read more
It’s all too easy to follow the crowd on the well-worn rut around the world without doing your own diligent voyage planning and still expect to experience reasonable conditions doing so.
But the moment you think about bearing off left or right — treading the path less taken, as it were — when everyone else is going straight, having the knowledge to keep yourself in safe and comfortable sailing conditions becomes …Read more
Book Review – Mariner’s Guide to Nautical Information, by Priscilla Travis. Cornell Maritime Press
It is fair to wonder if there is any lingo more alien to a newcomer than the jargon of sailors? “Boat speak” appears to be English (most of the time), but so many terms consolidate reams of meaning and process. How’s a …Read more
We will be headed to my parent’s home next week. While we are there we will be telling them as well as my brother’s family that we are sailing away in 2013 (finally – yay!).
I have been surfing the internet looking for ideas and suggestions on how to best tell them and have not …Read more
One of the things I want to ask other women about is going up the mast.I feel silly about it because twenty years ago I was adventurous and really liked heights and was into rock climbing! But over the past few years I have become fearful of heights and no matter how much …Read more
I’m a sucker for a well-told tale, and Swept: Love With a Chance of Drowning by Torre DeRoche is just that. Decades ago, sailing sagas were told by weathered men sailing solo on distant seas; today they are told by the women convinced to go along.
Not unlike Janna Cawrse Esarey’s Motion of the Ocean, Swept …Read more
In a foreword to her new book — Bull Canyon: A Boat Builder, A Writer and other Wildlife – Lin Pardey asks fans of her sailing adventures aboard Seraffyn to hang in with her through this transition book, the story of Lin and husband Larry’s four years ashore during construction of their new …Read more
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