Few cruisers have a master plan for accessorizing their dinghies, and instead leave things to evolve.
The result is often a cluttered dinghy, the kind that’s hard to step into, a pain to hoist aboard, and all-too-often not prepared to do what you need it to do when you need to do it! Improvements and additions [...]
Once you’ve selected a dinghy that you believe will best serve your needs when cruising (see last month’s Admirals’ Angle), it’s time to start outfitting it so that it WILL serve those needs. Many sailors allow this to evolve, but some forethought can make a huge difference in how easy your dinghy will be to [...]
Drop a new cruiser into a busy anchorage, and one thing sure to surprise is the variety of tenders hanging behind the anchored boats. Who knew they came in such a mind-boggling array of sizes, shapes and materials?!
New cruisers who have bought pre-owned boats may have inherited the previous owner’s dinghy choice…and considered it a [...]
It is the most recurring debate of modern cruising: Do we keep the boat as simple as possible or do we load it up with all the equipment and systems advertised to make our cruising lives safer and more comfortable? Everyone you meet will have a different opinion!
Much has been written about what a boat needs to make it safe for cruising, but not so often is much said about what things make a cruising boat pleasant to live aboard. I posed this question to the Admirals a while back and received a flood of input. More than I’ve ever received for [...]
What’s simple ashore may be a more complicated afloat:
how many cruisers address laundry [...]
About the Admirals’ Angle
In 2006, Gwen Hamlin, one of the principals for Women and Cruising, began writing a monthly column called Admirals’ Angle for Latitudes & Attitudes magazine.
In 2013, Admirals’ Angle moved to the new magazine Cruising Outpost, currently a quarterly. The most recent column appears on www.womenandcruising.com after its issue is no longer on the stands.
From its inception, Admirals’ Angle -- a direct outgrowth of Women and Cruising seminars -- has aimed to discuss questions and issues that weigh on the minds of cruising women, particularly those just starting out, using input and examples contributed by a far flung network of experienced cruising “Admirals.”
The goal is to introduce the kind of women you can expect to meet out cruising, and to demonstrate that there is rarely one simple answer to any issue. Check the index below to see if Admirals’ Angle has already addressed an issue of concern to you!
If you don’t see your questions addressed, or if you would like to be a contributing Admiral, you can email Gwen directly at admiralsangle@yahoo.com
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