Tag: Decisionmaking

#48 – Chain of Command


I’ve been thinking quite a lot about captains lately – what it means to be one, what it means to have one.

Traditional navies have formal command chains with authority and responsibility concentrated at the top while grunt labor supports from the bottom. But the relatively small crews aboard cruising boats make for a pretty short [...]

#33 – How We Choose Where We Cruise – Part 2

Last month we surveyed the basic principles that guide how cruisers, especially new cruisers, make decisions about where they are going to cruise. Those principals were interests of the crew, activities they want to pursue, personal style, needs from civilization (or not!), recommendations, security, and, of course, the patterns of climate, season, wind direction and [...]

#32 – How We Choose Where We Cruise – Part 1

Cruisers are unique travelers.  We can go almost anywhere in the world we get a hankering to see (some of them places no one else can reach), subject to patience, planning, ability, tolerance, plus a few rules and a nearby shoreline.  Hand-in-hand with the idea of going cruising is usually a dream destination. Where it [...]