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The Big Decision Q&A

Should I quit my job and go cruising? Beth Leonard responds

Beth consulting days

Beth Leonard responds to Judy’s question:

My husband and I are thinking of living aboard a sailboat in 4 to 5 years from now. His daughter is grown and just purchased her first home while my daughter is a freshmen in high school. I suppose it is harder for me to take to the idea of living aboard because I have a really great paying job and I feel I need to help my daughter with college. I am only 39 so leaving my career is harder than I thought it would be. Any advice for me? …Read more

Take Your Passion Cruising

Beth Leonard becomes a writer at sea


When my husband, Evans Starzinger, suggested sailing around the world, I had almost no sailing experience and reacted much the same way I would have if he had suggested flying a rocket to the moon.

It took him two years to convince me to sail away with him, and he never would have done …Read more

Events and Seminars

Beth A. Leonard’s 2009 Presentations

Good news! Beth Leonard – circumnavigator, author, and Women and Cruising contributor -  will be in the US this fall sharing her recent travels and cruising experience in a series of seminars. Here’s her schedule. – Kathy Parsons

September 25-27, 2009

Seven Seas Cruising Association Annapolis Gam Camp Letts, Edgewater, MD Read more