WomenAndCruising.com website mounts new feature on cruising women and their galleys
18 Experienced Cruising Women Invite You into their Galleys & Share Insights about Galley Functionality & Equipment in Real Cruising Situations
WomenAndCruising.com – a website dedicated to providing advice, resources and inspiration for women cruisers – has just added a new feature article called “Galley Advice from 18 Cruising Women”.
Eighteen experienced contributors answer questions about galley design and equipment, reflect on the challenges and rewards of cooking at sea, and even recommend cookbooks and share recipes that have served them well. Complete with photographs and in their own words, it’s as though all eighteen have anchored next door to you and invited you over for coffee!
Plus, there is a special downloadable “Kitchen Sink Galley checklist” that will help boat shoppers identify and evaluate features of various boat galleys.
With all the different boats and galley layouts presented not to mention the different styles of cruising represented, women preparing their own galleys for cruising, or still in the boat shopping stage, will be thrilled with all the insights.
“Careful consideration of a boat’s galley is often given short shrift in the boat shopping process,” says website coordinator Kathy Parsons. “Women are often presented with a done deal and left to wonder on their own how to make the unfamiliar cooking arrangements work for them. Likewise, I think most new cruisers imagine themselves sentenced to a life of canned stew. This article will dispel that notion and provide many insights on how today’s cruisers make interesting cooking an important part of the cruising experience. All of us involved wish we’d had a resource like this to turn to when we were getting started.”
The eighteen contributors are loosely sorted into four categories:
- Coastal Cruisers and Island Hoppers, who have more ready access to regional markets and who cook mostly at anchor,
- Catamaran Cruisers, who cook on boats that don’t heel;
- Long Distance Cruisers, who provision for long passages and cook often at sea;
- and Cruising Charter Chefs, who currently or in the past have stepped up to the challenge of cooking gourmet meals for paying guests.
Contributors to the current article are: Betsy Baillie, Lynda Childress, Mary Heckrotte, Corinne Kanter, Judy Knape, Marcie Lynn, Sheri Schneider, Lisa Schofield, Truus Sharp, Diana Simon, Heather Stockard, Amanda Swan Neal, Barbara Theisen, and Ann Vanderhoof as well as Women and Cruising principals Kathy Parsons, Gwen Hamlin, Pam Wall and Sylvie Branton.
The “Galley Advice” article expands on the format of Women and Cruising’s first article “What I like Most About Cruising – 15 Women Speak” as well as their pioneering collection of online resources specifically geared to women contemplating the cruising lifestyle.
A totally volunteer effort by website coordinator Kathy Parsons, webmaster Sylvie Branton, and all collaborators, Women and Cruising is dedicated to helping women answer for themselves the questions of “Can I do it?” and “How do I do it?” by showing that there is no one right way to do it!
The Women & Cruising website grew directly out of interactive seminars of the same name given by Kathy Parsons, Gwen Hamlin and Pam Wall at boat shows around the USA.
For further information about WomenandCruising.com or Women and Cruising seminars, contact Kathy Parsons at Kathy@forcruisers.com
- Download the “Kitchen Sink Galley Checklist”
Hi there,
I just found your website and blog via cruisersforum. I have been aboard full time for 11 years, and we’re now raising our son on board. It would be great to collaborate somehow between the two blogs/ sites? My husband and I cruised before we had our son, and we’re prepping to go again soon. I so often see men posting in forums about how to drag their wife aboard, and it makes me see red. I would love to share how wonderful a lifestyle this is (especially for raising kids) so women will make the choice on their own passion.
I need some advice on a sink. My sink on my boat is entirely to small. I am very new at this (2 weeks). I need to rearrange my galleys and putting in a bigger sink. I have tons to learn… Dina
If you haven’t already, read the contributions of the 18 women in our Galley advice article. Many women talk about sink size, layout, faucets, etc. You might also check our Galley Checklist. It lists several things to look for in evaluating your galley sinks.
But if you are brand new to your boat, do as many Women and Cruising contributors suggest: take some time to get to know your boat before you start making changes. Good luck! — Kathy